eTouch for Health

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eTip-0015   Using the Metaphors Section in eTouch V2

The inclusion of the Chinese 5 Element Metaphors into TFH represented some of the last works by Dr. John Thie while working with his son, Matthew Thie. Together, they wrote Touch for Health pocketbook with Chinese 5 Element Metaphors and Touch for Health: The Complete Edition. Today, Matthew continues teaching Metaphors workshops around the world.

The Metaphors are also tightly integrated into eTouch for Health and are available in the stand-alone Metaphors Reference as well as accessible from within an active session. The Muscle Reference also contains metaphors for each muscle. Metaphors can be used in a Balance-As-You-Go or One Point Assessment Balance.

One of the powerful features of eTouch is that only the Metaphors involved (determined by which muscles you marked with an imbalance) are selected in an active session. There are over 100 metaphors, so having the computer narrow the results down to only those appropriate for the balance is helpful.

In this eTip, we present the 5 Element Metaphors and how to access them in the stand-alone reference or how to access them from an active session in eTouch.

Metaphors Reference

Metaphors in an active Session

Note: These observations have not been scientifically verified. Touch for Health and eTouch for Health are not used for the diagnosis or treatment of disease. For all serious and life-threatening issues, continuing or worsening symptoms, contact a health care professional.

Metaphors Reference
  • Click the Charts button on the Main Menu.

Charts Button

Charts Button: Third button down in far right column.

eTouch Main Menu

You will be taken to the Charts Menu (shown below).

Charts Menu

In this tip we are going to look at the
features of eTouch.

Metaphors Button

  • Click the top button on the right, the Metaphors button

The Charts Menu, shown below, provides easy access to many of the most frequently used charts in Touch for Health.

Charts Menu

Metaphors Button
Large red Q with Five Elements icon inside.

  Metaphors from an Active Session
  In an active session, metaphors can be accessed from the Five Elements or the Meridian Wheel. The full power of eTouch can be realized by clicking on the muscle/meridian that you have chosen to do a one-point assessment balance. By clicking on the name, you will be taken directly to the metaphors for that element/meridian/muscle. Once you are at the Metaphor screen, the instructions are applicable whether you are in an active session or using the metaphors reference.

Metaphors from Five Elements

  • Click Heart within the Fire Element
    (white circle within large red circle)
    To show up as a white circle, the muscle must have been marked inhibited previously on one of the test records
  • You will be taken to the Metaphors Screen for the Heart Meridian

Click here to see Metaphors Screen

Five Elements

Accessing Metaphors from the Meridian Wheel

          Heart Button

  • Click Heart at the top of the Meridian Wheel
  • Next, click the
    Red Question Mark labeled Metaphors in the menu panel
  • You will be take to the Metaphors Screen for the Heart Meridian
Metaphors Panel Meridian Wheel
  The Metaphors Screen




Metaphors - Heart Meridian

The Metaphors for the Fire Element, the Heart Meridian and the Subscapularis will be displayed.

To change Elements: Click the button in the menu bar across the top on the Element to see its Metaphors. In our example below, we will select the Earth Element.

To change Meridians: Select the Meridian from the Meridian(s) popup menu.

Note: In an active session, only muscles that have tested weak or unlocking will show up in the list.


Heart Metaphors


First we will change Elements

• Click the yellow Earth button (shown on right).

Earth Button

Earth Metaphors

The Earth Element metaphors are displayed.

To change Muscles in a Meridian: Click the name of the muscle in the menu below the current muscle name highlighted in the Red box.

For our example below, we will select the Levator Scapulae from the list. Pectoralis Major is currently selected.




Earth Metaphors


Now we will change Muscles:

  • Click on a muscle name in the list below the Meridian name.
  • Click Levator Scapulae in the Muscle list.

Note: In an active session, only muscles that have tested weak or unlocking will show up in the list.

Select Muscle

The Metaphors for the Levator Scapulae are now displayed as shown below.

Note: There are 10 Aspects for each element. They are shown in the bottom right corner of the screen. To change Aspects, click on an Aspect on the blue button bar at the bottom of the screen.

Metaphors Aspects: Color; Season; Climate; Smell; Taste; Emotion; Fortifies; Personal Power; and Faith/Worldview.

      Levator Scapulae Metaphors

Now we will change the Aspect from Color to Emotion.

  • Click Emotion Button at the bottom of the screen in the middle of the blue bar.
  • Notice that the Emotion Metaphor for the current Meridian is displayed.
      Stomach with Emotions

To change Meridians within the same Element: Click the Meridian name in the red highlighted box, hold and select meridian. In our example, we click on Stomach and select Spleen. A new set of metaphors for the Spleen is displayed.

  • Click on Meridian name (Stomach), hold, select Spleen from the drop down menu.
  • A new set of metaphors is displayed.

Change Muscle

  • Click on Opponens Pollicis to change current muscle.

Metaphors for the Opponens Polliciis are displayed.

For more information about balancing with Metaphors, go to the Reference section of eTouch.


Spleen Metaphors