eTouch for Health
eTouch Screen

eTouch for Health...
Tips and Special Features






eTip-006   Getting to the Desktop and Leaving eTouch for Health Open

A full-screen approach was selected for eTouch for Health for several reasons. This approach offers many benefits, but it does hide the standard Operating System menu structure. You can get back to your OS (Windows or Mac) by using the Desktop button located on the Main Menu.

Windows: By clicking the Desktop button while in Windows, several things will happen so that you will have access both to your Operating System and to your files, printer, etc. When you click the Desktop button, you will see the Start button at the lower left of your screen and you can access your applications and other files here.

An open window will also be opened at the root level of your hard disk (C:) for Windows users. To access your desktop, open the Documents and Settings folder, then the Owner folder and then you will see the Desktop folder.

Macintosh OS X: By clicking the Desktop button while working on the Macintosh with OS X, you will be able to access your Dock and Main Menu. Run your mouse over these areas and they will be activated.

Macintosh Classic: you will be able to access your Main Menu bar after clicking the Desktop button. It may not appear at first, but it will when you roll your mouse over it.


The Desktop button is located on the Main Menu just below the Site Map button. Clicking the Desktop button gives you access to your operating system and its features while leaving eTouch open.

Why was the full-screen mode used?

1. Eliminating the Operating System menus allows up to 30% more screen space

2. In the background processes of eTouch for Health, there are sometimes 20-30 files open that are involved in a process and it is essential to keep those hidden to prevent confusing the users during operation of the software.

3. We felt that when balancing another person, we should be totally focused on that other person and not distracted by checking emails, etc. during a session.